Becoming Presenter in the 6th International Conference in UNES Semarang

Four Lecturers of English Study Program present papers related to literature, translation and Linguistics in the 6th International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature and Translation (ELTLT) in UNES Semarang on October 7-8, 2017. Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum. delivers “the Translator’s points of view, the translation process, and the translation product”.

While Rr. Arielia Yustisiana, M.Hum. talks about “humanity as seen through metaphor and personification in Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. The last speakers are Christina Maya, M.Hum. and Johan Kristanto, M.Hum. They are describing “Fenomena penggunaan Emoticon pada Facebook dan Blacberry Messenger sebagai alat alternatif komunikasi non-verbal dan ketersampaian emosi pengirim kepada penerima pesan.”

Source: Sastra Inggris